Dynamo Open Source
6. Dynamo Open Source#
6.1. Main Open Source#
6.2. Open Source In The World#
Archi-lab.net - This is the official Repository for archi-lab. net Dynamo Package.
BakeryForDynamo - Bakery is a real mixture. Some completely custom work, like an XML reader with ElementTree, and lots of derivative work that relies heavily on other packages like Clockwork, Lunchbox and archi-lab
BangForDynamo This is the repo for the Bang! package for the Dynamo Visual Programming Environment
Binoculars - {literally watching your every move*} *not really, just when your graph runs. 🔍
BitubTRexDynamo - Bitub TRex Dynamo Plugin for IFC post production
BeyondDynamo - A plug-in for Dynamo BIM 2.x which extends the functionalities of Dynamo
Bumblebee - Excel interop for Dynamo
Camber - An open-source Dynamo package for Civil 3D.
ClockworkForDynamo - A collection of 450+ custom nodes for the Dynamo visual programming environment
Clothoid - Dynamoid is a set of Components for the visual coding environment Autodesk (R) Dynamo for creating Clothoid or Euler spiral geometries. This implementation uses Mamitko’s C# Clothoid implementation that provides circle to circle and line to circle fitting.
Colibri.Dynamo - This is a collection of nodes for Design Explorer
Crumple - A package from aussieBIMguru use for training
Data-shapes - A package use for create user interface in enviroment dynamo.
designtechDynamo - designtech.io Dynamo Package Nodes
Dynamo-Diagnostic-Toolkit - ViewExtension adding diagnostic metrics to Dynamo
DiRoots - DiRoots - Connecting the dots!
DynaForge - An Autodesk Forge extension for Dynamo
DynaHub - Dynamo Extension to interact with GitHub. Enable Dynamo to pull graphs from GitHub + version control
DynAI - Practical applications of AI / Machine Learning in BIM, implemented as a Dynamo Package
DynamoBot - Dynamo Bot Telegram
DynamoForRebar - A Dynamo package for authoring geometrically complex rebar models in Revit 2016.
DynamoOpenCV - OpenCV ToolKit for Dynamo
DynamoSolidWorks - A SolidWorks addin with Dynamo
DynamoText - A zero touch library for creating text in Dynamo.
DynamoViewport - A simple view extension for visualizing Dynamo geometry.
Dynamo-Dev-Starter-Kit - Visual Studio Extension (VSIX) providing some basic template set up for developing Dynamo ZeroTouch and Explicit Nodes packages
DynamoMEP - A set of Dynamo nodes for Revit MEP
DynamoPDF - Dynamo PDF Parser
DynamoProgressBar - this is an in progress proof of concept of making a progress bar in dynamo.
DynamoSAP - Dynamo <> SAP interoperability.
DynamoSpacePartitioning - Dynamo package for spatial queries using tree data structures
DynamoTwitterConnector - A Simple C# Wrapper for Dynamo using Tweetinvi C# Library
DynamoUnfold - Library for building topology from sets of surfaces and unfolding them using Protogeometry tools in Dynamo
Dynamo-Addons - Project to add useful add-ons that will stretch the capabilities of Dynamo library.
DynaShape - Open-source Dynamo plugin for constraint-based form finding, optimization and physics simulation
DynaStandard_public - This Dynamo extension was developed to create a Dynamo content library to help distribute this content to all, have easy access to graph(s) templates and any standard documentation related to dynamo.
DynaTools - …
DynaWeb - DynaWeb is a Dynamo package providing support for interaction with the interwebz in general and with REST APIs in particular.
DynaWorks - This library contains the library files for using Navisworks and Dynamo
DynFreeCAD - Dynamo nodes for FreeCAD
dosymep.Revit - …
FindMyNode - A recharge project to create an extension that can help us find a Node in a graph in Dynamo.
FETCH - A plugin for Revit to help manage Dynamo packages.
GeniusLociForDynamo - Genius Loci is a package of 300+ custom nodes for Dynamo in Revit.
GitHubForDynamo - Concept of GitHub client for Dynamo
BIMOne.GoogleSheets - A set of Dynamo nodes to facilitate interactions with Google Sheets.
GraphicalDynamo - Dynamo implementation of Graphical Project
honeybee-dynamo - 🐝 📘 Honeybee library and plugin for Dynamo
HowickMaker-for-Dynamo - Tools for programming steel stud roll-forming machines with Dynamo
hydra-dynamo - Hydra is a web platform that allows users to share example files from Dynamo directly to the Hydra Web Repo using GitHub. You can efficiently export your scripts to the Hydra repository using the Dynamo node for sharing and community interaction.
Journalysis - Revit journal and worksharing log analysis package for the Dynamo visual programming environment
JsonData - Dynamo package to boost your workflow with a better data handling.
Kodestruct.Dynamo - Adaptation of Kodestruct.Design library as nodes for Dynamo. Dynamo visual programming interface allows for rapid structural calculations using calculation steps “wrapped” into nodes.
https://github.com/ladybug-tools/ladybug-dynamo - 🪲 📘 Ladybug library and plugin for DynamoBIM
LandformForDynamo - A collection of Dynamo nodes to assist with site and landscape modeling in Revit.
LunchboxForDynamo - This is a repository for the LunchBox for Dynamo project. This collection of tools exposes capabilities for paneling, geometry management, and Revit automation. This repository is not under active development.
Miscellany - A collection of miscellaneous nodes for Dynamo
Monito - A view extension for the Dynamo visual programming environment
MonocleForDynamo - This is the repository for the Monocle View Extension for Dynamo
NodeModelCharts - A collection of custom UI graphing nodes for Dynamo.
Optimo - Multi-objective Optimization for Dynamo
OrchidForDynamo - This repository contains the content of the Orchid package for Dynamo
ProgressBar - The form is written and compiled as a library in C#. You can load the .dll file the same way you are loading any external library in Python.
QRImage - QRImage for Create QRCode And Zerotouch Image
RefineryToolkits - The Autodesk Refinery Toolkit
RIE - Package of nodes for Dynamo. For use in Autodesk Revit.
Relay - Relay allows for you to add Dynamo graphs to your Revit ribbon.
RhythmForDynamo - A collection of nodes for use in Dynamo with Revit.
SpeckleDynamo - Use for connect data between all flaform.
SpringNodes - A collection of odd Dynamo nodes
Synthetic - Synthetic provides Dynamo nodes for manipulating data, and accessing Revit API objects. Includes nodes for documents, worksets, view templates, dictionary data types, and Enum (enumerations). Please refer to the example definitions in the extra folder. The examples show how to use many of the included nodes.
SeuratExtension - This project is a Dynamo Extension that extends the visualization capabilities of Refinery for result-evaluation purposes.
TAECRevitNotion - TAECのRevit⇔Notion連携ハンズオンの資料です
TuneUp - A profiler for Dynamo graphs
VisualDiff - A View Extension for Dynamo to visually compare the differences between two Dynamo Graphs in order to improve collaborative workflows in visual programming.
ViveTrack-Dynamo - A DynamoBIM package for real-time reading of HTC Vive tracking data
Warnamo - Browse warnings and errors in a Dynamo graph.
Zhukoven - This is the Zhukoven.com Dynamo package repo